Denise Mercado - Award-Winning Author, Blogger, & Traveler

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Always Travel with a Book (or Two)!

I always travel with at least one book.  If you are like me, I love the feel of a book in hand.  I never got the hang of electronic books.  My husband loved the Kindle books and read his tablet faithfully while on vacation.  He used to make fun of me because my books took up precious luggage space!  But, after staring at a computer screen and phone all day, the last thing I wanted to do was stare at another screen to read a book.  Although I have learned to travel with only carry-on luggage, I manage to squeeze in at least two books for those long airplane rides and airport delays.  For me there is nothing like curling up with a book by the hotel pool after a long day of exploring.

As I get ready to prepare for my trip to Alaska, I started reviewing my unread books to decide what to take on this trip.  In doing so, I was reminded of a book I recently read that I would like to share with all of you now. 

I highly recommend this book for all Christians.  This book will challenge you to not be complacent.  Life is a journey.  At no point in our lives should we think that we have arrived and that we know it all.  There is always something new to learn.

And now for my list of books for Alaska!

The Heart of a Kingdom by Lisa Bain is a novel – the type of book I don’t normally read.  However, I learned of Lisa Bain’s blog while searching on Instagram.  This book is Lisa Bain’s first novel and was published in 2019.  Lisa is a widow.  She lost her husband in 2016 to cancer.  I am always amazed at how people take the horrible situations in their lives and turn them into something good.  God leads us all the time through pain and anguish.  One of my favorite sayings is, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  Another version of this saying is, “When life gives you lemons – add salt and tequila.”  Whatever works!  Lisa’s first novel is dedicated to fellow widows and widowers and also to her husband, Dan who she refers to as her “soul mate, best friend, co-conspirator, and guardian angel.”  In the dedication, she clearly states that “he never let me forget I was his queen.”  I may need tissues for this one, but I’m looking forward to reading it.

The second book I will bring with me to Alaska is titled, Your Blue Flame by Jennifer Fulwiler.  Jennifer is a standup comic and host of a daily talk show on SiriusXM.  She is also a mom of six kids.  The subtitle for this book is Drop the Guilt and Do What Makes You Come Alive.  This looks like a fun, fast paced book to read.  Looking forward to the laughs it may bring. 

Because it is a long flight to Alaska and I do not want to be without reading material, I am bringing a third book with me on this trip.  The Story of a Soul is the autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux.  I have heard so many good things about this little book.  Saint Therese is a Doctor of the Church and was declared by Pope St. Pius X to be “the greatest saint of modern times.”  There are many books that I have read where I highlight, underline, and write in the margins.  I believe that this may be one of those books and I am looking forward to learning about this great saint.

Let me know in the comments below if you have read any of these books.  I will be blogging when I return from Alaska about these books and the many places explored.   

God Bless and Remember - Sharing is Caring!

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