Book Cover Reveal

Do you know the 14 Stations of the Resurrection of Jesus?

I found this devotion when cleaning out an old desk in my parish office. It was a one-page typed document with a list of the 14 stations. Before I knew it, I was researching and writing AGAIN!

Here are two of the reviews from people who read the manuscript:

“In The Way of Light, Denise Mercado leads you to prayerfully consider the fourteen Stations of the Resurrection. She unpacks each one with a wealth of information, Scripture quotations, and personal experiences. St. Ignatius’s prayer method of identifying with a person in the story brings the station to life. This book promises to deepen your relationship with the Risen Lord.” Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND, Author of A Love Affair with God: Twelve Traits and Heart to Heart with Mary: A Yearly Devotional

The Way of Light provides an opportunity to deepen one’s love for Christ and awareness of His continued presence in and with the Church today by expanding meditations on the Glorius Mysteries of the Rosary. Her insightful meditations provide a helpful first step into using imagination to enter each scene and allow the Holy Spirit to guide one’s meditation from there.  Recommended for adult study and prayer groups.” Jan Carnahan, Director of Religious Education, Good Shepherd Parish, Hope Mills, NC

In addition to the reviews, one of the editors made a comment that he would like to see this book made available to all Catholics. This inspired me to submit the manuscript to my Bishop’s office for review. I am happy to report that this book received the Nihil Obstat in September 2023 by the Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida. This is a special award that “declares that nothing stands in the way (nihil obstat) of this manual being published for devotional use by Catholics and can be read without fear of harm or confusion regarding Catholic faith or morals.”

The release date for this book is October 16, 2023. It will be available on Amazon. My parish will be using this book in a women’s retreat in March 2024. I will also offer a special bulk discount for parishes that want to use this book for bible study or prayer groups.

I am always amazed at the things God continues to do in my life. Never did I think I would write Book #1 about the Blessed Mother. Now we have Book #2 on the Stations of the Resurrection. And - believe it or not - Book #3 is in the making and will be a complete surprise to all of you.

Stay tuned, God Bless and SHARE this blog with others!

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The Way of Light will be available on Amazon on October 16, 2023. Mark your calendars!

If you loved my latest book – Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! (which recently received an award from the Catholic Media Association and five star reviews from Readers’ Favorite and the OnLineBookClub) – then you will love The Way of Light. Subscribe below to be sure you receive all the updates on books and blogs. Be sure to share this page with your family and friends.

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3 Things to see in Helena, Montana