Books that Inspire!
Books that Inspire!
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Earns Commissions
What a GREAT book!
I started reading Thomas Merton’s autobiography several months ago. I was determined to finish it before my next trip. With over 450 pages, I knew I did not want to take this big book with me on my next trip. This is an amazing life story of the struggle Thomas Merton went through to finally do what God wanted him to do and to be where God wanted him to be. St. Augustine tells us that “our hearts are restless until they rest in you, Lord!”
I purchased this book at the Trappist Abbey gift shop in Kentucky on one of my recent road trips. Click here to see the beautiful Gethsemani Abbey. This book is a GOOD READ and I highly recommend it!
Sometimes it is necessary to remind ourselves the importance of the Catholic Mass. In the first part of this book there is an explanation for each part of the Mass. The second part of the book provides an explanation of the different seasons in the Liturgical year. We all love Christmas! This book sheds new light and a deeper understanding of the Masses provided during the Christmas season as well as Lent, Easter, and the fifty days after Easter to Pentecost.
This book was a gift presented to me at my Covenant Ceremony as an Associate with the Sisters of Notre Dame. The book focuses on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, it includes more than the traditional seven gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. Sister Melannie expands the list to 52 gifts - and you won’t believe what is on the list!
I enjoyed this book very much and highly recommend it!
This is another great book by Sister Kathleen Glavich, SND. The title of this book got my attention and I am glad that I took the time to read it. Sometimes we go through periods in our lives when we feel empty. We also wonder at times where God is as we trudge through the difficulties of life. This book sheds light on these difficult times and provides the encouragement needed to lean into to all that God has to offer.
My son’s best friend from Junior High, just wrote this beautiful children’s book.
David J. Pedersen is a board-certified Physician Assistant with years of experience in Family Medicine. We met David and his family in the early 1990’s when stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. My son, John and David were school mates at Albritton Junior High and have remained friends since.
If you have children on your gift list under the age of 10, this would be a great gift.
Angels are so important in our lives.
Did you know that they have job descriptions and that there are Nine Choirs of Angels?
Sister Kathleen Glavich, SND provides a detailed study of angels. This is a book that provide blessings on every page.
There are so many great writers in this book. Highly recommend learning as much as you can about the Eucharist. It is, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “the source and summit of the Christian life.”
What an amazing book! Between 1594 and 1598, Saint Francis de Sales converted 72,000 Protestants to the Catholic Faith.
I learned so much from this book as Saint Francis explains the truths of Catholicism. Highly recommend this for all readers. Truth is important.
Happy Reading and Learning new things!
A relationship with God is so important. Prayer is how we interact with God. As I read this book, I realized that it was a gift to my spiritual life. At times while reading this book, I found myself in tears thinking about God’s love and the experiences of my life.
It is very important in our prayer life to:
Develop a positive image of God
Be honest with God
Connect Prayer with Daily Life
Listen to God in Prayer
These essential components of prayer were discussed in this powerful book along with 13 forms of prayer that include thanksgiving, contrition, and forgiveness. No matter how vibrant your prayer life is, this book will shed light on who God is and how we can effectively connect with Him.
There is so much controversy among Christians about the Eucharist. Is it truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Or is it merely a symbol?
This book uncovers truth by digging deep into our Jewish history. This book is an eye opener. If you are looking for answers, look no further. The Eucharist is truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This book will prove this fact and backs it with Old Testament scripture and commentary from prominent Jewish sources.
The Eucharist is too important to ignore. Nourishment for this journey of life is provided in this gift of the Eucharist.
Read all about the Eucharist for yourself. You will be glad you did!
This book was an eye opener! It was recommended by a fellow candidate of the Associates of the Sisters of Notre Dame.
Anyone who watches the news hears about Human Trafficking and its involvement not only with adults, but with children. We cringe when we hear these words and wonder how this could happen in our country.
This book is the story of Cyntoia Brown-Long and her life journey from childhood innocence to sex trafficking at the age of 13. This is also a God story and His intervention in the life of this young woman as she moves through the US prison system.
This is a book of truth that will leave you with the desire to reach out to the children who are victimized by this crime. It will also assist in discovering ways to protect our children. There are no guarantees in life, but we must all do our part to ensure our children are protected.
This was an interesting find! As I toured the different cities of Spain, I noticed that many of the churches - especially in Barcelona - had a history of fire during the Spanish Civil War. I did some research to learn about the politics in Spain during their Civil War. Before long, I was researching our US political system and asking the question - Was Jesus a Socialist? When I entered this question into my google search, this book was at the top of the list. I researched the author and the reviews before ordering the book.
This book is an excellent book and answers the question by looking deeply into several scriptures such as the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, the Parable of the Talents, and the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
It is important that we understand who Jesus really is and what He stands for.
I highly recommend this book.
Sometimes we draw our conclusions based on what others have said rather than on facts. It is always important to dig for truth. This book clearly outlines what Catholics believe about Our Lord and Savior.
I enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about Jesus.
I began reading this book in the Tampa airport while waiting for my first plane that started my 17-day Spain adventure. A woman sitting next to me noticed the title of the book. As a Catholic, the title intrigued her as it did me. We had a nice conversation as we both looked through the Table of Contents.
In this book, I learned of a saint who went from atheist to martyr. Another saint was noted as a Model of Perseverance. One of my favorite saints - Saint Josephine Bakhita - was also featured in this book.
I am very grateful for the Communion of Saints. This book opened my eyes to the story of many new saints.
If you love history, like I do - then this is the book for you! There is nothing new under the sun. It is amazing to see the opinions and disputes of the early years mirror what we see today in the Church.
I highly recommend this in depth study of the First Thousand Years of Christianity. I learned so much and thank Dr. Wilken for this detailed history.
It is also interesting to note that the biography of Dr. Wilken states the following: “He was ordained a Lutheran minister and for many years taught in many colleges and seminaries. After many years he wanted to be fully united with the historic apostolic Church, which led him into the Catholic Church … Dr. Wilken is a Distinguished Fellow at the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology.”
This is another GREAT book full of facts about our Christian faith!
What a beautiful story and introduction to a remarkable saint. I am happy to learn about Saint Germaine and highly recommend this book. The story is well written and provides insight on the life of a saint who is the patron of victims of child abuse and human trafficking.
Saint Germaine lived a life of hardship and died young because of it. Despite her frail condition, she loved God, the Eucharist, and learned the power of forgiveness.
Thank you, Andie for sharing this story and providing inspiration from another beautiful saint!
I recently attended a Eucharistic Encounter conference for our diocese in Tampa, Florida. Dr. John Bergsma was one of the five speakers. Out of the five speakers, three were converts. Dr. Bergsma was one of the converts.
We are all searching for truth. Dr. Bergsma served as a Protestant pastor for four years before entering the Catholic Church in 2001. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame specializing in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. He is currently a Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. His story is an amazing story of searching, studying, and leaning into truth.
This is an oldie but goodie - published in 1954. This book received the Imprimatur in 1953 and again in 1994.
You know that I enjoyed this book by all the highlighted pages. I learned a lot about the Catholic faith from this book and highly recommend it to those who are seeking answers about their faith.
Journaling is a very important way to see God working in your life. Following the Examen Prayer of Saint Ignatius sets this journal apart. I love the details and the space provided to write my thoughts and inspirations. This journal was written by Mary Nadeau Reed and edited by Scott L Smith, Jr.
Thank you Mary and Scott for a great tool in which to enhance my prayer life.
I can’t say enough about this book! Every Christian - not just Catholics - should read this book. On the website: it states that the The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States by helping us renew our worship of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. I highly recommend this book to everyone! God has given us an amazing gift of Himself in the Eucharist. Let’s learn all we can about this beautiful sacrament.
This is an AMAZING Book. Can’t say enough about this “oldie but goodie” published in 1970. Note on the cover it states above the author’s name - Over a Million Copies Sold! Psalm 23 is one of my favorite Psalms. The author of this book - as well as the author of Psalm 23 (King David) are both shepherds. Their perspective is eye opening. Highly recommend this book!
Two more GREAT books by Devin Rose. Learn about Catholicism and how to best share your faith with others.
I highly recommend these books. Read them both on my trip to Italy and Austria.
I read this book during my trip to Norway. Danielle does an excellent job helping you relate to the women of the Old Testament. Her writing is down to earth and relatable in so many ways.
I highly recommend this book not only for your reading pleasure, but it could easily be used in a women’s study group or a reading club.
Earns Commissions
March is the month of St. Joseph. Below you will find the first book I read by Father Calloway titled - Champions of the Rosary. That book was the inspiration for my book titled - Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes!
After reading Champions of the Rosary, I read the Consecration to St. Joseph. Once again, Father Calloway provides great history and insight on the life of this amazing saint. Thank you, Father Calloway for reminding us of the love and devotion of our spiritual father - St. Joseph.
I met Scott Smith by way of his website and email address. He is an author, attorney, theologian, and Catholic blogger from Louisiana. Scott was the first to provide a review of my latest book - Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! - prior to publication.
This new book on the Consecration to St. Joseph is a children and family version of the original book by Father Calloway. Scott and Father Calloway co-authored this book. I am confident, based on the authors’ backgrounds, that this is a GREAT book for children and families!
More information about Scott Smith and his other writings can be found on his website at
Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Calvin were key players in the Protestant Reformation. This book shares what they believed - their similarities and differences - and shows how so many denominations have spun off from their beliefs.
The author of this book is a convert to Catholicism. Through his research he is convinced of the truth of Catholicism. There are many arguments for and against Catholic teaching. This book sheds light on both the Protestant and Catholic beliefs. I learned a lot from this book and highly recommend it to anyone searching for answers.
I LOVE devotional books and always look for something new at the end of each year for the following year! It is always good to begin your day with a one page reading from a devotional book. This book is by Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND. She was the first to read my latest book and give a beautiful book review. A summary of her review can be found on the Books by Denise page. Sister Kathleen’s book looks like an EXCELLENT devotional challenging each of us to have a Heart to Heart talk with the Blessed Mother. I recommend spending time with Mary because she always leads us to her Son and provides a clearer outlook to all that He has to teach us.
Truth is sometimes difficult to come by. Diane Moczar is a history professor and an author of many books on the history of the Church. The lies discussed in this book are “examples of the distortion of history by anti-religious bias.” It was interesting to learn truth about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Church’s role in the Dark Ages.
If you love history, as I do, then you will enjoy this book.
This book introduced me to St. Peter Julian Eymard - Apostle of the Eucharist. It is written by a local Catholic author and received the Imprimatur from Bishop Gregory Parkes in 2017. It is an excellent tool to enhance the Rosary prayers as you contemplate the information provided by St. Peter Julian and the commentary written by the author - Ivonne Hernandez.
There are a lot of GREAT books out there to help you pray the Rosary effectively. This is one of them!
We are all hopeful for a long, healthy, and happy life here on earth. No matter how much time we spend on earth, eternity is longer. Are we ready for what awaits us on the other side? This little gem helps us focus on eternity and prepare for the good things of heaven.
After sending a press release for my latest book to the Augustine Institute, I was introduced to Eddie Trask and interviewed on his YouTube channel – Catholic Re.Con. (Click here to view the video). Eddie’s book – Confession All – is an inspiration. This is Eddie’s story on how he did the hard work to look deeply into his life and make the necessary changes to follow God. I am truly inspired by this book and highly recommend it. You will be touched and challenged to ask the hard questions about your life and most importantly, to dig for the answers. Thank you, Eddie for sharing your story!
Dr. Swenson not only addresses the complexity of the human body but also teaches about the vastness of the universe and how it all begins with the bigness of our God. I have learned so much from this book and have a better appreciation for who God is. This is a GREAT book. I highly recommend it. You will be amazed at all that God has done.
I can’t say enough about this book! It touched my heart in so many ways. Christina is a beautiful Catholic author with extensive physical disabilities. Her perspective on being human is unique, authentic, and based on the truth that comes strongly through her faith. This is one of the many quotes from her book that spoke to me:
“The full truth of Christ’s mission on Earth was not to cure every sickness, but rather to reveal divinity to humanity and to restore each of us to the fullness of God’s image. Earthly life has limitations. The reason God became one of us was not to get rid of earthly limitations, but to bring love, divine love, into every situation, into every suffering.”
This is a little powerhouse book on the history of the Bible and the misconceptions shared by so many on its origins and protections. You will be surprised, as I was, to learn these amazing truths!
Another GREAT book by Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND. I especially love the questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are thought provoking and help you to listen to what God is saying to each of us.
Thank you, Sister Kathleen! It is always good to be challenged on the things of God.
Another GREAT holiday gift idea! Antony Kolenc is a fellow member of the Catholic Writers Guild. This is an interesting series with GREAT reviews.
The Harwood Mysteries takes place in twelfth century England and involves a boy ("Xan") who is orphaned and comes to live at a Benedictine abbey, where he solves suspenseful mysteries and has adventures with his friends, Lucy and Christina. In Book 1, Xan loses his memory during an attack by bandits, and he must save the Benedictine abbey by solving the mystery of a shadowy figure that walks the abbey’s grounds at night. In Book 2, Xan is forced to journey with the bandit who murdered his family, and he hopes to communicate with his dead parents by capturing the ghost of a little girl rumored to haunt a cathedral. In Book 3, when a priceless ruby, known as Eden’s Fire, is stolen from a monk on the eve of his ordination, Xan races against time and a dark magician to catch the thief. And in Book 4, when a merchant appears to be cursed by a witch, Xan must save the man's life while avoiding capture as a suspected traitor to King Henry II.
What a GREAT book! We think we know the story of the Three Wise Men and their visit to Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh - but think again, my friend! This book will shed new light just in time for the Christmas holidays! This is a very good read and I highly recommend it to those of us who likes adventure and truth.
This is the book that provided the inspiration for my book - Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! Father Calloway provides a detailed account of the Rosary. The book includes the lives of the saints who have dedicated their lives to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary as well as beautiful art found in cathedrals and basilicas throughout the Catholic world.
This is a true story of a Catholic priest - Father Walter J. Ciszek, SJ - from Shenandoah, Pennsylvania who spent over 23 years in the Soviet Union before and during the Cold War. I truly enjoyed this book. If you like biographies, I highly recommend With God in Russia. It is an adventure that touches your heart and tells of the dedication of Father Ciszek to all those he encountered during his remarkable journey.
This is the book that helped me to understand all that takes place during the Catholic Mass. Scott Hahn does an excellent job - as always - teaching truth about Catholic worship. The Mass is based on scripture and this book describes it all.
The Stations of the Cross depict Jesus’ journey to Calvary. I learned the scriptural stations when reading this book and highly recommend this rendition of the journey to Calvary. It is truly an eye opener and a great study tool.
There were so many words in this book that jumped out at me. It is sometimes difficult to find God in the everyday hustle and bustle of life. Danielle opened my eyes to see God in the ordinary and most importantly to recognize Him in people I meet throughout my day. Highly recommend this book and also recommend you spend sometime at Danielle’s website. She has much to offer in blogs, podcasts, and so much more!
St. Therese of Lisieux was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1997. She was called, “the greatest saint of modern times,” by Pope St. Pius X. St. Therese entered the Carmelite convent at the age of 15 and died at the age of 24. Her short life was filled with challenges and grace. She knew God and loved Him completely. I hesitated to read this book because I felt I could not relate to an innocent soul, like St. Therese. I learned so much from her story and highly recommend this book. It is a classic and one that should not be overlooked.
This is a short but beautiful book on the Catholic Mass. I purchased this little gem at a Catholic bookstore near the Cathedral in downtown Anchorage, Alaska. The Mass can be somewhat difficult to follow. However, it is not difficult to decipher once you make a decision to learn more about it. This little books helps with understanding what is being done at the Mass and why it is so important.
Matthew Nelson is an apologetics consultant and Teaching Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute. This book is a compilation of writings from over 40 philosophers, theologians, apologists, and evangelists on the issues of science and faith; psychology and anthropology; theology and philosophy; and atheism and culture. I enjoyed the different view points. I am always amazed at how truth can sometimes be distorted. It is always good to hear all sides before drawing conclusions.
Most of us know someone who has taken their own life. Sometimes it is a family member or maybe a very close friend or a co-worker. Father Chris Alar, MIC understands the grief associated with suicide. He lost his grandmother to suicide many years ago. In this book, he sheds light on the truth of this issue and brings hope to all those impacted by this unforeseen outcome. There is hope and I was very grateful to find his book!
I didn’t know what to expect with this book. But from the first page to the last, I couldn’t stop highlighting passages. The cover explains the contents of this book. The picture on the cover is of Saint John leaning in close to Jesus as He speaks of His Body and Blood. The author of this book is a Benedictine Monk. Nowhere is his name given. This priest leans in close to Jesus. We have the privilege through this writing, to experience the conversation between Jesus and this priest. It is an amazing book. At times you can sense the words were meant for you as well.
Rome Sweet Home is a wonderful book about the faith journey of an amazing couple. I chuckled several times as I read this book. Both Scott and Kimberly Hahn were very astute Presbyterians and rejected all things Catholic. The way Scott and Kimberly felt toward Catholics is the way I felt, at one time, toward Protestants. We all have our prejudices and most always they are rooted in fear and ignorance. Scott asked some hard questions and then was brave enough to dig to find the answers. He found those answers in a very unlikely place – the Catholic Church.
Your Blue Flame by Jennifer Fulwiler is a GREAT book for EVERYONE! I laughed, I cried, and I realized the importance of my blue flame. Many times, we think we have life figured out and then life happens, and our world is turned upside down. Jennifer teaches us how to find our blue flame no matter how many times we must do this. Shifting from one purpose to another is what life is all about. It is how we grow and how we discover all that God has planned for us. No matter how bizarre your blue flame seems to be – like starting a blog the same year you get a Medicare card – your blue flame is what gives you joy because it is what God intends for you to do.