Childhood Friends Reconnect!

Liz and I grew up together in Brooklyn, NY. Our parents knew each other before they were married. Our families celebrated birthday parties together and other memorial events.

Here we are at my birthday party in 1964.

And here we are last week enjoying a hike in beautiful Colorado!

Liz and her family moved to Colorado nine years ago.  Shortly after their move, her mom joined them.  I googled the distance between Denver and Loveland and then called Liz.  My goal was to spend the day with Liz and her mom, however, when Liz heard that I would be spending four days in the area, she insisted that both Jill (my Utah and Colorado traveling friend) and I stay with Liz and her family at their beautiful home.

Liz is an amazing hostess, and it was so good to reconnect with her and her mom. 

It was also good to finally meet her husband and two of her children.  Liz not only excels in hospitality, but she is also a well-seasoned traveler.  Jill also has an amazing background and owned a travel agency which provided tours to many exotic locations.  We had so much fun sharing travel stories and drinking wine together. 

Liz had an amazing itinerary for us each day.  Our first stop was the Benson Sculpture Garden near her home in Loveland, Colorado. 

All three of us love to hike.  Our first hiking adventure was at Devil’s Backbone Open Spaces also in Loveland.

The following day, Liz asked if we would like to go to Cheyenne, Wyoming.  I had no idea we were that close to Wyoming.  During the drive, the terrain changed yet again from mountains to prairie land. 

I truly enjoyed visiting Cheyenne and the beautiful State Capital.

After touring the beautiful town of Fort Collins, Colorado, we headed to Coyote Ridge Trail for another long walk.  It was during this walk that I saw – for the first time – prairie dogs.   They were everywhere!  Our goal was to complete the entire trail.  Unfortunately, a biker came toward us warning of snakes on the trail.  We immediately did an about face and headed toward the car. 

Our last day together was spent at Rocky Mountain National Park.  We hiked to Bear Lake and Emerald Lake. 

We then drove to the Forest Canyon Overlook in the National Park.  Liz warned us of the weather change at this overlook.  As she drove, I noticed the temperature noted in the car was 54 degrees Fahrenheit.  By the time we got to the top of the overlook, the temperature was 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 

IT WAS WINDY AND COLD!  But I was determined to get to the overlook and take pictures!

We had a nice lunch at a restaurant in Estes Village.  Before heading home, Liz surprised me with a beautiful contribution to this blog which I will share in a future entry – STAY TUNED!

As we drove home, we noticed two elk sitting in a green field off the main road. They seemed to be waiting for us to take pictures.  What an amazing find!

It was good to have a travel companion on this Colorado adventure. It was also good to reconnect with my childhood friend.

Colorado is a beautiful state.  I only saw the top half of this state and plan on visiting the southern part of Colorado soon. 

Let me know in the comments below if you ever visited Colorado and if you did the same things or explored something different. 

Also, my latest book will go live on Amazon this Friday, October 21.  The best way to order the book is on this website.  Direct links to the Amazon page will be provided on October 21.  Stay tuned! 

God Bless and Remember - Sharing is Caring!


Chapel on the Rock


My New Book Comes Out on Friday!