A Special Treasure in Sedona, Arizona
I began traveling solo in 2019. My husband and I created a very long bucket list. As many of you know, John passed away in 2017. Although John is not physically with me any longer, I am determined to complete the list. I know that John is with me wherever I go and that is comforting.
One of the things John and I wanted to do was visit all the National Parks in the United States. The Grand Canyon was at the top of the list. In 2021, as soon as COVID quarantine was over, I began planning. While doing so, I found a lot of videos on a beautiful town near Flagstaff, Arizona two hours south of the Grand Canyon. Sedona is an Arizona desert town surrounded by red-rock buttes, steep canyon walls, and pine forests. It is noted for its mild climate and vibrant arts community. As I continued my research of Sedona, I discovered a Catholic chapel built within the rock formation. This beautiful chapel was inspired and commissioned by a local rancher and sculptor Marguerite Brunswig Staude. The building of the Empire State Building in 1932 provided the inspiration needed for Marguerite’s vision. Initially, this chapel was to be built in Hungary. However, the outbreak of World War II changed her plans with a more local focus near her home in Arizona. This chapel was built in 18 months at a cost of $300,000. More than 25 tons of rock was moved without the use of dynamite. The chapel was completed in 1956 and was built as a memorial to Marguerite’s parents. Although Marguerite was passionate about having a Catholic Church in Sedona, she understood that the beauty of the chapel would lead people to God. She made it a point to share that “though Catholic in faith, as a work of art, the Chapel has a universal appeal. Its doors will ever be open to one and all, regardless of creed, that God may come to life in the souls of all men and be a living reality.”
I was so impressed with the beautiful architecture of this chapel.
Because of the minimal parking near the top of the structure, I parked at the bottom of the hill and walked to the front of the chapel. This provided an opportunity for these beautiful pictures of the outside of the chapel.
Here is a view from one of the points as I walked up toward the front of the chapel.
The front of the chapel was quite interesting…
But the inside took my breath away!
The cross was the tree of life.
At the base of the tree was the tabernacle…
To the left of the altar were a set of footprints…
A special place to stand and see the crucifix above.
The Grand Canyon was spectacular to see – but Sedona and the Holy Cross Chapel was a highlight of the trip that I will never forget.
As many of you know from my last blog, I broke my hip in Sicily. Click here to read all about it in case you missed the adventure. I am completely healed and ready for my next adventure which is scheduled for April 1, 2025 – my 47th wedding anniversary. I know John will be with me in a special way on this trip. I am headed to the Netherlands and Belgium for a 15-day adventure.
I have a list of beautiful sites to visit – one of which is a hidden Catholic Church from the 1500s located in Amsterdam. I will be blogging when I get home, so stayed tuned!
My 4th book is now on Amazon. Click here to order your copy today. If you’ve already received the book, please be sure to leave a review on Amazon.
Happy Reading and Happy Travels to all.
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