Yes, you certainly can teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

It is amazing the places where God will take you if you let Him.

I’m a senior citizen.  Just got my Medicare card and I’m building my own website. Just finished writing my second book and I’m traveling solo throughout the USA and overseas.  So, yes, I am that old dog learning new tricks! 

You really don’t know what you have inside of you until you are faced with life’s many challenges.  I was married for 39 years to my best friend, John.  Suddenly and very unexpectedly at 62 years of age, he was diagnosed with cancer and died within three months.  We were beginning to travel together to new and exciting places when the rug was pulled out from under us.  This wasn’t the first time this happened to us.  Our youngest son had meningitis at six months of age and lived a life with severe disabilities until his death at the age of 24.   

When faced with the craziness of life, you have a choice.  You can become bitter or better.  God is in charge.  I am not.  It took me a very long time to accept that fact.  In doing so, I decided that BETTER is my choice.  I’ve learned also that you really can’t do BETTER without God.  And so, my journey began.  I now have an opportunity to share this journey with each of you.   

Join me as I update this website with blog posts and information on the publication of my second book. 


My Michigan Adventure!